MANILA, Philippines – What started out as a birthday message from KC Concepcion to her mom Sharon Cuneta on Instagram turned into a plea from a mother asking her daughter to come home.
On Instagram on January 9, Sharon shared 3 Instagram posts, each with long captions detailing her message for KC.
KC, 34, is Sharon’s eldest daughter with former husband Gabby Concepcion. Sharon and Gabby legally separated in 1987, and their marriage was annulled in 1993.
Since 1996, Sharon has been married to Senator Francis Pangilinan, with whom she has 3 children: Frankie, Miel, and Miguel.
In the Sharon's post, she shared a screenshot of KC’s Instagram birthday greeting to her, saying “thank you for posting this," but saying that she would have loved a hug, a phone call, a card, or even a private text message.
"But I guess this came after my birthday celebration on ASAP last Sunday when I became more emotional because you, my eldest, weren’t there. I do not even have an idea where you are," Sharon said, referring to her entire family sans KC surprising her on the Sunday variety show ASAP on January 5. Sharon turned 54 on January 6.
"I haven’t really known for years now what has been going on with you, in your life, in your heart. I would think that the first person you would talk to would [be] your Mama. I feel that you have distanced yourself from us who truly love you, when we all hunger for our family to be complete," Sharon said.
In her next post, Sharon shared photos of her and KC together – one from when KC was a little girl, and another with KC as an adult. In the captions, she shared that their family missed KC at family get-togethers, including Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas lunch, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and Sharon's birthday.
"Where were you, anak (daughter)? What were you doing? Why not even a text from you? I know you are in your 30s now and are free to do what you want. But if I hadn’t even bothered calling my Mommy when she was alive to tell her where I was going or what I was doing, I know she would’ve found it unforgivable, unacceptable. Anak, huwag kang lumayo sa amin," Sharon wrote.
"I love you very much, Kristina. I missed you at ASAP. But I missed you more the next day, my actual birthday. And last Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day. I miss you too often nowadays, it seems. Because 99% of the time I have no idea where you are, what you’re doing, and more importantly, HOW you are," Sharon wrote.
In her third post, Sharon repeated that she loved and missed KC and said "We are your family. That will never change. I will be here, like I told you, loving you unconditionally no matter what. But allow your Mama some tears when my heart cannot hold them in any longer."
"Come back to me, to us," she said.
She ended her message to KC by saying "Wherever you are, please take good care of yourself. And know that I pray for you every single day - sometimes a few times a day - for your protection, guidance and wisdom. And for God to embrace you whenever Mama cannot."
"I love you and miss you. I can’t say that enough," she said.
Sharons 3 posts are in response to KC's own Instagram greeting, posted on January 6. In the post, KC greeted her mother a happy birthday and apologized for not being able to join the celebration on ASAP “for personal reasons.”
“We may not be perfect, but in many ways I know how to LOVE you, I have, I do and I always will,” KC wrote.
While Sharon's message hints at a strained relationship with her eldest daughter, KC's recent posts don't seem to show the same distance. On December 25, 2019, KC shared a photo of her with Sharon, Francis, and her siblings on their side, saying "Merry Christmas from our family to yours!"
As of this writing, KC has yet to respond to Sharon's recent posts. –