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Janine Gutierrez confirms breakup with Elmo Magalona


Screengrab from Instagram/janinegutierrez

MANILA, Philippines – GMA 7 actress Janine Gutierrez confirmed that she and singer-actor Elmo Magalona have broken up.

In an interview on 24 Oras on Thursday, October 20, Janine said she and Elmo became very busy and decided to focus on their work.

"Syempre mahirap kasi (Of course it's very hard because ) we have different schedules. He’s in a new place with new people and syempre, it’s hard to find time [for] a common schedule and everything, so we both just really decided to focus on work," she said.

The actress said it was very painful for her to end the relationship but is grateful for the support she's been getting. She also said that she will always treasure what she and Elmo had.

"We were together for more than two years. And that time syempre, that was all support at saka love, and kahit hindi na kami, syempre hindi magbabago yung pinagsamahan namin, so I’ll always wish the best for him," she said.

(We were together for more than two years. And that time of course, that all support and love, and even if we're not together anymore, what we had will not change, so I'll always wish the best for him.)

For now, Janine is focusing on a new TV project that is scheduled to air in November.

Janine and Elmo first starred in the remake of Villa Quintana. In 2014, Elmo confirmed that he and Janine were a couple during the press conference for their show More Than Words.

In late 2015, Elmo moved to ABS-CBN and starred with Janella Salvador in the drama Born For You, which ended last September.

Elmo is expected to attend the Star Magic Ball later this week. – Rappler.com


Denise Laurel, Sol Mercado call off engagement


File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler


MANILA, Philippines – Actress Denise Laurel and basketball star Sol Mercado have ended their engagement.

According to a report from Pep, Denise wrote on Instagram: "From now on Sol and I are just friends." 

She also said that she was "happy and for him" and learned so much from him, requesting not to tag her in any post related to him. The post has since been deleted.

In another deleted post, Denise said: “Sol he did not cheat on me he didn't do anything wrong.

“We [have] both been trying for a while now.”

In a new Instagram post, Denise apologized to Sol and his family, saying it was bad timing for her to say anything about their breakup.

"I just want to sincerely apologize for not thinking clearly. My intentions were not in a rotten place. I just didn't think," she said tagging Sol in her message. 

{source} <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:62.5156445557% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BLx62glgFA6/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">I just want to sincerely apologize for not thinking clearly.. my intentions wer not in a rotten place.. I just didn&#39;t think @m3rcmywords</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by DeniSe Maria Sanz Laurel (@d_laurel) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-10-20T09:38:37+00:00">Oct 20, 2016 at 2:38am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>{/source}


It was in 2013 when Denise confirmed that she was engaged to Sol, who plays for Ginebra San Miguel. Ginebra recently won the 2016 PBA Governors’ Cup after a 8-year dry spell.

Last May, Denise said that they had to postpone their wedding because they wanted to have more time for preparations. 

Denise, who hosts the show Modern Girls on Lifestyle TV, won last year on Your Face Sounds Familiarseason 2.

She has a son, Alejandro, from a previous relationship. – Rappler.com


[WATCH] 'Logan': First trailer for new Wolverine movie released


'LOGAN.' The next 'X-Men' installment features an older Wolverine. Screengrab from YouTube/20th Century Fox

MANILA, Philippines – The first trailer for the next X-Men installment is out!

In Logan, based on the comic book series Old Man Logan, fans see a different side to Wolverine – older, weary of the world.

"Logan, what did you do?" Charles Xavier can be heard asking.

"Charles, the world is not the same as it was. Mutants, they're gone now," replies Logan.

But not all of them – Charles asks Logan to help a little girl, who he described as "very much like you [Logan]."

Charles and Logan may be older, but like any X-Men movie, there's a lot of action in this one too, with clips of Logan cut up and bloody, and of course, with his famous claws out.

Logan hits Philippine theaters March 1, 2017. – Rappler.com

Zsa Zsa Padilla, Conrad Onglao back together – manager


BACK TOGETHER. Zsa Zsa Padilla and Conrad Onglao are back together after they called off their engagement earlier this year. Screengrab from Instagram/@zsazsapadilla

MANILA, Philippines – Zsa Zsa Padilla and architect Conrad Onglao are together again after calling off their engagement earlier this year. 

The news was confirmed by Zsa Zsa's manager Nene Atilano in text message to TV Patrol on Thursday, October 20.

"Yes, nagkabalikan (they got back together), but she doesn't want to be interviewed about her private life," Nene said.

Zsa Zsa also sent a private message confirming that she and Conrad are together again, according to the report. 

In the same interview, Karylle, Zsa Zsa's daughter, was asked if she knew her mom and Conrad were together again.

"Well mas maganda siguro na hindi ko alam, para wala ako masagot. Kasi hindi ko din naman kaya mag-lie," she said.

(Well, it's better I guess that I don't know anything, so I won't say anything, because I cannot lie.)

Karylle also said that time heals wounds and that they will always be there for Zsa Zsa.

News of them getting back together was earlier reported by the Philippine Star.

It was in May when news broke that the two called off their engagement after dating for two years. (READ: Zsa Zsa Padilla after broken engagement: 'I'm healing')

Conrad proposed to Zsa Zsa last year. – Rappler.com


Benedict Cumberbatch once visted a comic store as Doctor Strange


DOCTOR STRANGE. Benedict Cumberbatch plays Doctor Strange in the upcoming movie. Screengrab from Facebook/DoctorStrangeOfficial

LOS ANGELES, USA – Benedict Cumberbatch walks into a Manhattan comic book store in full superhero regalia, magic cloak billowing behind him, leafs through a few periodicals and asks the owner for a job. (WATCH: Benedict Cumberbatch thrills in new 'Doctor Strange' trailer)

It sounds like the start of a bad joke but this episode actually happened during the final days of filming of the upcoming Doctor Strange, the British actor revealed on Thursday.

The 14th film in Disney's "Marvel Cinematic Universe" was about to wrap and the 40-year-old was running up Fifth Avenue toward the Empire State Building when he and director Scott Derrickson spotted the store and decided to go in.

"I didn't have any money – I offered my services. I said if the film doesn't work out I'll come and stack the shelves," joked Cumberbatch, who stars as the titular sorcerer in the movie, at a news conference in Beverly Hills.

"It was a magic, magic moment – no pun intended. It was very special. And utterly, like a lot of things in this film, not searched for."

Derrickson recalled Cumberbatch suddenly spotting the store.

"He's in full [costume] and I go, 'We have to go in!' And he goes 'We should, shouldn't we?'" the filmmaker recounted.

"I said, 'I'll film it, it'll just be us.' So I put my camera on and he introduced himself and said, 'Hey, I'm about to go into this comic book store,' and I followed him in, and the people in there couldn't believe it – it was Doctor Strange! And he walked right up to the Doctor Strange comics."

'Superhero moment'

Filmed in Nepal, New York, London, and Hong Kong, Doctor Strange tells the story of world-famous neurosurgeon Stephen Strange, whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident robs him of the use of his hands.

Failed by Western medicine, he travels to Kathmandu where he happens upon a healing center which, it turns out, doubles as the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying reality.

The stellar cast includes Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Mads Mikkelsen, and Tilda Swinton, all of whom joined Cumberbatch at the news conference, as well as Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Michael Stuhlbarg. (READ: Tilda Swinton, Scott Derrickson on 'Dr Strange' whitewash casting)

Cumberbatch, who rose to global stardom playing the title role in the hit BBC television detective series Sherlock, did most of his own fight scenes.

The actor said he was "giddy, like a child at Halloween" when he first donned Strange's magical Cloak of Levitation, prompting an old Marvel hand among the crew to observe "oh, you're having a superhero moment, aren't you?"

McAdams, who plays Strange's love interest, emergency room surgeon Christine Palmer, revealed that her real-life mother Sandra was a nurse.

Although she threw herself briefly into medical research, observing a neurosurgeon, she admits she does not have her mother's healthcare vocation.

'Queasy about blood'

"I was given an offer to go in an Evac helicopter and do a weekend, which I'm so sad I had to turn down because I'm a terrible flyer and I am really queasy about blood," she said.

"I thought I would be more of a hindrance to that operation than a help so I declined that. But everything else was super-fascinating and, at a pinch, I could probably suture something up now."

Swinton, who plays the Ancient One, a master of the mystical arts who trains Strange to become a powerful sorcerer, said working on a Marvel movie is "a bit like joining the circus."

"You get invited to be the bearded lady or the painted gentleman or something and you may have a chance in the future to play with a clown or learn a bit of trapeze or work with the ponies," she told reporters.

Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige, she said, was the "sorcerer supreme," the "superfan of all superfans" and "the master of the big top."

Doctor Strange will be released in the United States on November 4, a full 30 years after it officially went into pre-production – starting a process which was beset by numerous delays over the years, for all manner of reasons.

Advance tickets went on sale last week in the US, where it is expected to have the fall's best opening, predicted at somewhere between $55-$75 million.

If all goes to plan, Strange will be a big player in the next Avengers movie, Feige announced.

"We're thinking it one step at a time. Benedict puts on the cloak once again early next year in Infinity War," he said. – Frankie Taggart, AFP/Rappler.com

Star Magic Ball 2016: The stars attending for the first time


FRESH FACES. Elmo Magalona, Vin Abrenica, and Darren Espanto are just some of the stars who will attend the Star Magic Ball for the first time this 2012. Photo by Rob Reyes/Manman Dejeto/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – The annual Star Magic Ball is just around the corner, and stars from the talent center are gearing up for a night of glamour and fun.

Aside from the red carpet regulars at the ball every year, a few new faces are set to make their debut this year too. 

All eyes are on these newcomers, as fans can't wait to cheer them on as they take to the red carpet for the first time at the star-studded event. 

Here are some of the fresh faces we'll see at the Star Magic Ball on Saturday, October 22. 

1. Ritz Azul

Photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler

Ritz is set to attend her first Star Magic Ball since she transferred over from TV5. On Instagram, designer Nat Manilag posted a photo of Ritz and Yen Santos, who will be wearing his outfits for the ball.

{source}<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BLGr05OB2z6/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Meeting with these 2 lovely ladies for the most glamorous event of the year.  @ysantos @ritzazul</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by Nat Manilag (@natmanilag) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-10-03T14:39:59+00:00">Oct 3, 2016 at 7:39am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>{/source}


Ritz, who appeared on FPJ's Ang Probinsyano, will star in the upcoming show The Promise of Forever with Paulo Avelino and Ejay Falcon.

2. Jona Viray

Photo by Paolo Abad

Former GMA 7 talent Jona Viray will make her Star Magic Ball debut this year in a dress by Nat Manilag. The singer regularly appears on ASAP. 

3. Darren Espanto

Photo by Rob Reyes/ Rappler

Darren Espanto has come a long way since winning runner-up in the first season of The Voice Kids Philippines. For his first Star Magic Ball, Darren is set to wear a suit by Francis Libiran and, according to a report by ABS-CBN, is also set to perform at the ball. 

4. Vin Abrenica

Photo by Rob Reyes/Rappler

Another former TV5 artist, Vin Abrenica will also be attending the Star Magic Ball for the first time this year. He recently appeared alongside brother Aljur Abrenica in the movie Ang Hapis at Himagsik ni Hermano Puli.

5. Miho Nishida

Photo by Rob Reyes/Rappler

After winning Pinoy Big Brother last year, Miho Nishida has been slowly making her way in the showbiz industry. This year, she's set to make her Star Magic Ball debut in a gown by Manny Halasan.

6. Tommy Esguerra

Photo by Rob Reyes/Rappler

Fans are also looking forward to seeing Miho's boyfriend Tommy Esguerra at the Star Magic Ball red carpet. Tommy was with Miho in the PBB house last year, and their friendship has since blossomed into a romance. 

7. Elmo Magalona

Photo by Rob Reyes/Rappler

Elmo, who starred in Born For You opposite Janella Salvador, signed with the ABS-CBN network in November 2015. It's unknown if he'll be with a companion, as his girlfriend of two years, Janine Gutierrez, confirmed recently that she and Elmo had broken up.  

These are just a few of the new faces who are set to be at the Star Magic Ball. Who do you want to see on October 22? Let us know! – Rappler.com

IN PHOTOS: Star Magic Ball 2016 – all the red carpet looks here


MANILA, Philippines – The annual Star Magic Ball has kicked off and all our favorite celebrities have hit the red carpet dressed to the nines.

Stars like Kathryn Bernado, Xian Lim, Sue Ramirez, and many more headed to Makati Shangri-La on Saturday, October 22 for the big night.

Jed Madela, Darren Espanto, Jason Dy, John Lloyd Cruz with Charo Santos-Concio, and host Sarah Meier were among the first spotted by media on the red carpet.

Here's a look at what everyone was wearing!

All photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

– Rappler.com

More Star Magic Ball 2016:

VOTE: Who was your best dressed at Star Magic Ball 2016?


BEST DRESSED. Which of these ladies do you think is the best dressed at the Star Magic Ball 2016? All photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – All our favorite stars walked the red carpet dressed in their best for the Star Magic Ball 2016.

We were dazzled by the ladies' sparkling gowns and the men's sleek suits at the Makati Shangri-La on October 22, but who do you think wore the best outfit? 

We picked 15 of our favorites for the poll below, but there were many more stunning ladies who aren't listed. Let us know who your favorite among the 15 is by voting!


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<noscript><a href="http://go.rappler.com/http://polldaddy.com/poll/9558777/">Star Magic Ball 2016: Who's your pick for Best Dressed?</a></noscript>


Arci Muñoz

Janella Salvador

Jodi Sta Maria

Shaina Magdayao

Kim Jones

Angelica Panganiban

Maricar Reyes

Kim Chiu

Coleen Garcia

Liza Soberano

Julia Barretto

Jessy Mendiola

Maja Salvador

Kathryn Bernardo

Bea Alonzo


– Rappler.com

IN PHOTOS: Couples, love teams light up Star Magic Ball 2016


LIZQUEN. Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil are just one of the couples at the Star Magic Ball 2016. Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – The cutest moments between couples happen on the Star Magic Ball red carpet and this year's event was no different.

Many fan favorite real-life love teams showed up at the Makati Shangri-La on Saturday, October 22.

Regulars like Kim Chiu and Xian Lim (aka KimXi) drew squeals and screams, while those like Luis Manzano and Jessy Mendiola walked the Star Magic Ball together for the first time.

Here's a look at the sweet couples at the Star Magic Ball 2016!

Maricar Reyes and Richard Poon

Sam Milby and Mari Jasmine

Erich Gonzales and Daniel Matsunaga

Kim Chiu and Xian Lim

Jessy Mendiola and Luis Manzano

Billy Crawford and Coleen Garcia


Bailey May and Ylona Garcia


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="eu" dir="ltr">Bailona <a href="https://t.co/mhNalkZ8R4">pic.twitter.com/mhNalkZ8R4</a></p>&mdash; alexa villano (@alexavillano) <a href="https://twitter.com/alexavillano/status/789813840804327424">October 22, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>{/source}


Mccoy de Leon and Elisse Joson

Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil

Maxene Magalona and Robby Mananquil

Sue Ramirez and Ronnie Alonte

Gerald Anderson and Bea Alonzo

Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla

Dawn Zulueta and Anton Lagdameo Jr

Grace Poe and Neil Llamanzares

– Rappler.com

All photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler


More Star Magic Ball 2016:

IN PHOTOS: Dapper gents on Star Magic Ball 2016 red carpet


[IN PHOTOS] Star Magic Ball 2016: Who went solo?


MANILA, Philippines – It's been a rough year for love in showbiz this year, both on local and international fronts, with several couples announcing breakups this 2016. With all the breakup news, fans are also excited to see who will walk the Star Magic Ball 2016 red carpet solo or in pairs, with new dates. 

Here are the stars who took the red carpet by themselves on Saturday night, October 22 at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel: 

Maja Salvador

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Enchong Dee

Arci Muñoz

Jake Cuenca

Joseph Marco

KZ Tandingan

Angelica Panganiban

Alex Gonzaga

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Myrtle Sarrosa

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Shaina Magdayao

Photo by Alexa Villano/Rappler

Piolo Pascual

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Jason Dy

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Jed Madela

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Darren Espanto

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Vin Abrenica

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Jimboy Martin, Zeus Collins, Paulo Angeles

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

– Rappler.com

All photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

More Star Magic Ball 2016:

LOOK: Sam Milby, girlfriend Mari Jasmine make red carpet debut at Star Magic Ball 2016


All photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines –Actor Sam Milby and girlfriend Mari Jasmine appeared together for the first time at the Star Magic Ball 2016 on Saturday, October 22 at Makati Shangri-la Hotel. Sam has been going solo to the ball for 6 years. 

Sam spoke about his relationship back in August.  

"Yes, kami na. Ayaw ko na i-share 'yung other details pero gusto ko lang i-share na yeah, kami na. I'm very, very happy," he said in an interview with ABS-CBN. (READ: Sam Milby confirms relationship with model Mari Jasmine)

(Yes, we're together. I don't want to share the other details but I just want to share that yeah, we're a couple. I'm very, very happy.)

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

For this year's Star Magic Ball, Sam wore a suit by Francis Libiran. –Rappler.com

More Star Magic Ball 2016:

WATCH: How does Doctor Strange fare at a kid's party?


'DOCTOR STRANGE.' Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays the titular Doctor Strange in the upcoming movie, makes balloon animals for kids in a skit for 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' Screengrab from YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

MANILA, Philippines – Doctor Strange may be a powerful sorcerer, but kids' parties are definitely not his specialty.

In an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! released on YouTube on October 20, Jimmy hired Doctor Strange – or Benedict Cumberbatch, who stars in the upcoming film about the superhero – to entertain a few kids at a party.

But Strange didn't seem to get the message that it was a children's party, as he shows up 30 minutes late demanding to "show [him] the demons."

"I don't understand," said a confused Doctor Strange to Jimmy upon seeing the screaming kids. "Are they possessed?"

"Basically," replied Jimmy. "They ate like, 50 cupcakes."

Doctor Strange couldn't vanquish the kids of course, but a cool $150 convinces him to stay at the party and make balloon animals instead.

Watch how the Doctor Strange deals with it in the video above and let us know what you think in the comments! – Rappler.com

IN PHOTOS: AlDub weds! Yaya Dub and Alden's kalyeserye wedding


Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – After a year of challenges and hardships, Alden Richards and Maine "Yaya Dub" Mendoza finally got married – on television. (An AlDub wedding is coming! See their prenup photos here)

Alden and Maine's characters got married before friends and family on Saturday, October 22 on Eat Bulaga's kalyeserye. Sponsors included Helen Gamboa-Sotto, Mike Enriquez, Joey de Leon, and Irma Adlawan.

Actor Rodjun Cruz was Alden's best man, while Nicoleen Mendoza, Maine's sister, was the maid of honor.

Yaya Dub's father Dodong (played by Vic Sotto) walked her down the aisle along with the lolas – Nidora (Wally Bayola), Tidora (Paolo Ballesteros), and Tinidora (Jose Manalo).

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Yaya Dub and Alden said their vows at the wedding. They were about to kiss each other after being declared husband and wife, when Lola Nidora fainted. The newly married couple was able to kiss eventually. 

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Here are a couple of photos from the wedding!

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

Photo by Martin San Diego/Rappler

A day before the wedding, the lolas– Nidora (Wally Bayola), Tidora (Paolo Ballesteros), and Tinidora (Jose Manalo) threw Yaya Dub a bridal shower party. 

{source}<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FEBdabarkads%2Fposts%2F1305875296126666%3A0&width=500" width="500" height="423" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>{/source}


Formed on July 16, 2015, the tandem of Alden and Yaya Dub became a worldwide hit. After going through the challenges to prove their love for each other, their tandem became official on October 24 with the AlDub: Ang Tamang Panahon, an event that garnered 41 million tweets. 

Alden and Maine have also starred in two movies since their tandem took off – My Bebe Love, and Imagine You and Me. – Rappler.com

Star Magic Ball 2016: What are the celebs going to wear?


Photos by Manman Dejeto/Rappler/Instagram/@kimiyap

MANILA, Philippines – The Star Magic Ball is well known not just for the program, but for the glamorous red carpet extravaganza showcasing the work of top Filipino designers. 

Here are 10 celebrities and what they're set to wear, according to a release: 

1. Kathryn Bernardo in Michael Cinco. Last year, Kathryn wore a white gown by the noted Dubai-based fashion designer. She is expected to wear another one of his creations this year at the event.

Kathryn in a white Michael Cinco gown with partner Daniel Padilla in last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler


2. Liza Soberano in Michael Cinco – Another artist expected to wear Michael Cinco is Liza Soberano. She wowed everyone last year in a pink gown by the designer and everyone is looking forward to what Michael has designed for her this year.

Liza Soberano in Michael Cinco in last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler


3.  Julia Barretto in Rosenthal Tee – In 2014, Julia wore a Rajo Laurel gown that got her the Best Dressed award. Last year, she wore a pink gown by Mark Bumgarner. For this year, she is expected to wear a gown by designer Rosenthal Tee.


Julia Barretto in Mark Bumgarner in last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler


UPDATE: Julia wore a gown by Michael Cinco to the Star Magic Ball 2016 according to an Instagram post of Stylized Studio.  

4. Janella Salvador in Jo Rubio – Born for You star Janella Salvador will attend the ball for the 5th time. Last year, she wore a gown by Pepsi Herrera. During the cotillon presentation, she wore Stephanie Tan. For this year's red carpet, Janella will wear a Jo Rubio creation.

Janella Salvador in last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler   

5. Maricar Reyes Poon in Ivarluski Aseron– In 2013, Maricar wore a Rhett Eala gown. In 2014, she wore a Francis Libiran creation and at last year's ball, she went with a white Vania Romoff gown. This year, she is expected to wear a creation by top designer Ivarluski Aseron.

Maricar Reyes Poon with husband Richard Poon during last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler


6. Jessy Mendiola in John Rufo–  Last year, Jessy Mendiola was unable to go to the ball because personal reasons. But this year, she will definitely return and is reported to be attending with Luis Manzano. At the 2013 Star Magic Ball, Jessy wore Francis Libiran. In 2014, she wore a gown by Popo Go and went solo. For this year, she is set to wear designer John Rufo.

Jessy Mendiola in Popo Go during the 2014 Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler

7. Kim Chiu in Val Taguba – Another favorite to watch out for in the red carpet is Kim Chiu. She has worn designs by Pepsi Herrera, Edwin Tan, and Patricia Santos. For this year, Kim is expected to wear a gown by Val Taguba.

Kim Chiu in Pepsi Herrera in last year's Star Magic Ball accompanied by Xian Lim. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler


8. Daniel Padilla in Francis Libiran and Joey Samson – For this year's ball, Daniel is expected to wear Joey Samson and Francis Libiran. Daniel wore Joey Samson at the 2015 Star Magic Ball.

Daniel in white from last year's ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler

9. Enrique Gil in Francis Libiran – Enrique is expected to wear a suit by Francis Libiran. And just like last year, he is also expected to escort his on-screen partner Liza Soberano to the event.

Enrique Gil during last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler

10. Piolo and Iñigo Pascual in Ivarluski Aseron and Francis Libiran – Piolo Pascual has always been dressed by various designers from international  brands to local. For this year, Piolo will wear a suit by Ivarluski Aseron.

Meanwhile, Piolo's son Iñigo will also come to the ball and was part of the cotillon last year with Julia Barretto. At this year's event, Iñigo will wear a Francis Libiran suit.

Piolo Pascual with son Iñigo in last year's Star Magic Ball. File photo by Manman Dejeto/Rappler

Which stars are you looking forward to seeing in their outfits? Let us know in the comments section – Rappler.com


Brad Pitt hasn't answered divorce petition – reports


BRAD PITT. Reports say that the actor refuses to answer Angelina Jolie's divorce petition until the two settle custody agreements. File photo shows Brad removing his helmet after a full lap on the Le Mans 24 Hours circuit for the 84th edition of the Le Mans 24 Hours endurance race in June. Photo by Jean-Francois Monier/AFP Photo

LOS ANGELES, USA – Brad Pitt has missed the deadline to respond to Angelina Jolie's divorce petition, seeking to avoid sparking an acrimonious legal battle that could harm the children, media reported on Friday, October 21.

The 52-year-old actor will not file an official reply, despite being two days over Wednesday's cut-off date, until the estranged couple's lawyers have reached an agreement over custody, celebrity gossip websites Us Weekly and TMZ reported.

The Fight Club actor is looking for joint legal and physical custody, according to TMZ, but is hoping to avoid a court battle for the couple's six children.

Jolie, 41, filed court documents on September 19 citing irreconcilable differences and seeking sole permanent custody.

Earlier this week Pitt met his oldest child, 15 year-old Maddox, for the first time since an alleged incident involving the pair on a plane carrying the actor and his children back from vacation in France on September 14.

The FBI has said it is gathering information before deciding whether to launch a federal probe into the allegations.

It has not offered any details on what is said to have happened, but several US media outlets reported that Pitt had been involved in an angry outburst with at least one of his children.

Pitt, who won a best film Oscar for producing 12 Years a Slave (2013), reportedly visited his other five children on October 8, but Maddox refused to see his father.

"With the resources of these parties, it should be possible for Brad to continue to have meaningful access to the younger children, even if it means that such access will have to be supervised," Emily Pollock, a partner at New York law firm Kasowitz, told Agence France-Presse.

Further time with Maddox would depend on the severity of the allegations and Maddox's interest in such visits, she added.

Pitt's reunions with his children were both supervised by a therapist as part of the couple's temporary custody agreement– mediated by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services – which expired on Thursday.

Under the agreement Jolie had physical custody of the children – three of whom, including Maddox, are adopted – at a rented LA house.

The A-listers – given the celebrity moniker "Brangelina" – wed in France in August two years ago, but had been a couple since 2004.

AFP reached out to Pitt's management but there was no immediate response. – Rappler.com

Lady Gaga takes up Black Lives Matter with sober new album


LADY GAGA. Lady Gaga releases her first album in 3 years, 'Joanne.' File photo shows Lady Gaga surprising fans while on the Bud Light x Lady Gaga Dive Bar Tour where she performed three new tracks off of 'Joanne' on October 20, 2016 in New York City. Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Bud Light/AFP

NEW YORK, USA – Lady Gaga rose to fame with her shock-inducing outfits and remains the seventh most followed person on Twitter, but on her sober new album, she admits an unease in the era of social media.

Joanne, the now 30-year-old singer's first solo album in three years, marks a shift from the glam synthpop that made Gaga a club sensation to another retro sound – unadorned soft rock, with forays into country.

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The singer who once said that she lived for the applause takes up weighty issues including Black Lives Matter, the movement triggered by a series of killings of African Americans.

Gaga said she wrote "Angel Down," a grim ballad with a siren-like guitar backdrop, after the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old African American shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida as he walked home with iced tea and candy.

"I confess that I am lost in the age of the social," Gaga sings. "Angel down, angel down / But the people just stood around."

Gaga, in an interview for the album's release Friday, said she felt compelled to speak out in turbulent times after talking to black fans who are "terrified when they hear sirens."

"How could I possibly make an album about twerking my -ss in a club?" she told Apple Music's Beats One radio.

"It feels empty, it feels irrelevant. When I go into the studio at this point in my career, I can't possibly just sit and think, oh, what would be just fun?"

Going country for a cowboy

Joanne, however, is still very much an album about Lady Gaga. The title track is a reference to her aunt who died at age 19 after a struggle with lupus and became the namesake to the future star, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.

Set to an acoustic guitar reminiscent of 1990s pop ballads, Gaga asks her late aunt to stay on Earth and, with rising forcefulness in her voice, sings, "Girl, where do you think you're going?"

Gaga, a gay icon who has long championed the rights of sexual minorities, is at her most surprising on "John Wayne" in which she finds herself yearning for a traditionally macho man.

To a country twang, the native New Yorker known for her open bisexuality sings longingly for a man like the film cowboy – "blue-collar and a red-state treasure."

If Gaga is alluding to her attraction to Taylor Kinney, the strapping actor to whom she was until recently engaged, she is more direct on "Diamond Heart," a likely reference to her ring which she showed off last year on Instagram.

Gaga sings that she has become resilient enough thanks to her strong-armed father – "A cruel king made me tough / Daddy's girl, never good enough."

Female bonding

Joanne is the latest step in a steady career reinvention of Lady Gaga, who in her first phase became as known for her music as for her outfits that ranged from giant tentacles to a dress of raw meat.

Gaga in 2014 released an album of pop standards with now 90-year-old crooner Tony Bennett, who became her mentor as they went on tour together.

Joanne features a slew of famous collaborators including producer Mark Ronson, known for blockbuster hit "Uptown Funk."

For all of the introspection on the album, Joanne is also about finding connection.

On "Grigio Girls," another country-tinged guitar ballad, Gaga reflects on her wine-imbibing nights with a friend fighting cancer.

On "Hey Girl," a duet with arthouse singer Florence Welch with a Prince-like funk beat, Gaga sings of partying in New York until sunrise.

But whereas once she would have exhorted "Just Dance," for the more mature Gaga, a night on the town is instead an occasion for female bonding.– Shaun Tandon, AFP/Rappler.com

Benedict Cumberbatch, Sophie Hunter expecting 2nd child


SECOND CHILD. Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are expecing baby number two soon. File photo shows the couple at the premiere of Disney And Marvel Studios' 'Doctor Strange' on October 20 in Hollywood, California. Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images/AFP

MANILA, Philippines – Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are expecting baby number two!

Sites like E! News, People, and USA Today have cited sources confirming the news of Sophie's pregnancy.

“Everyone is absolutely thrilled,” Benedict's representative told the press. 

Sophie and Benedict have one son together, Christopher Carlson, who was born in June 2015.

The couple was wed on February 14, 2015, a few months after they announced their engagement.

Sophie, 38, is a theater director, while Benedict, 40, is known for his roles in the series Sherlock and in the upcoming Marvel movie Doctor Strange.

Congratulations to the happy family! – Rappler.com

LOOK: Bea Alonzo and Gerald Anderson at Star Magic Ball 2016


Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – Stars Bea Alonzo and Gerald Anderson walked the Star Magic Ball 2016 red carpet together at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel Saturday night, October 22. 

Bea and Gerald dated briefly before ending things in 2010, and were rumored to have rekindled their romance following their reunion in their 2016 movie How To Be Yours. 

 Here are more photos of the two on the Star Magic Ball red carpet!

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

After Bea and and Gerald's breakup in 2010, Bea dated Zanjoe Marudo before he announced in January that they had ended their relationship. 

Gerald, on the other hand, dated Kim Chiu, then Kim's close friend Maja Salvador. Maja admitted that she and Gerald were dating in 2013, which caused a feud between her and Kim Chiu at the height of the popularity of their teleserye Ina, Kapatid, Anak.

Later that year, Maja confirmed that she and Gerald were a couple. In 2014, all parties said they had already patched things up and that things were now better between them.

What do you think of Bea and Gerald possibly rekindling their romance? Let us know in the comments! – Rappler.com

LOOK: Jessy Mendiola and Luis Manzano at Star Magic Ball 2016


All photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – They were one of the evening's most anticipated pairs to hit the red carpet – Jessy Mendiola and Luis Manzano shone bright at the Star Magic Ball Saturday night, October 22. (IN PHOTOS: Star Magic Ball 2016  – all the red carpet looks here)

During their pre-program interview aired on ANC online, Luis said, "I am claiming that I have the most beautiful date this evening," as a grinning Jessy looked on. 

They also complemented each other very well, with deep red accents adding drama to their smart black ensembles. 

Check out the pictures here:

– Rappler.com

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