MANILA, Philippines – Benedit Cumberbatch is now known to play Marvel's Doctor Strange in their newest superhero movie release – but that isn't the only role he played in the movie, according to director Scott Derrickson.
In an interview with Empire, Scott revealed that Benedict also played a bad guy on Doctor Strange.
Mads Mikkelsen may have played the sorcerer Kaecilius, but Benedict voiced and provided facial capture for the demon of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu.
It was Benedict's idea, said Scott, to voice the demon that Doctor Strange would eventually face in the film.
"The reason for that [Benedict playing Dormammu] was threefold," Scott told Empire. "One, Benedict suggested it. [Two], the awesomeness of his voice – he was Smaug, of course. [Three,] he understood exactly who Dormammu was. He's the ultimate cosmic narcissist. There was something great about the mirrored relationship between the two of them."
Benedict played the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit films.
Doctor Strange hit Philippine theaters on October 26. –