MANILA, Philippines – The winner of the Miss Great Britain 2015/2016 title, Zara Holland, has been dethroned after it was discovered she had sex with a fellow contestant in the reality show Love Island.
The Miss Great Britain organization explained the decision in an official statement posted on social media. Here is the Facebook statement in full:
"Following recent actions within the ITV2 show ‘Love Island’ it is with deep regret that we, the Miss Great Britain Organisation, have to announce that Zara Holland has formally been de-crowned as Miss Great Britain 2015/16.
As an organisation we have not taken this decision lightly, we are close to all of our winners and wherever possible stand by them during their reign. That said, we feel we have no choice but to make this decision under the current circumstances.
Although Miss Great Britain is the oldest pageant system in the UK, we pride ourselves on promoting the positivity of pageants in modern society and this includes the promotion of a strong, positive, female role model in our winners.
The feedback we have received from pageant insiders and members of the general public is such that we cannot promote Zara as a positive role model moving forward.
We wholly understand that everyone makes mistakes, but Zara, as an ambassador for Miss Great Britain, simply did not uphold the responsibility expected of the title.
Moving forward, as tradition dictates we will be crowning our 1st runner up Deone Robertson as Miss Great Britain for the remainder of this year’s reign. Deone was a fantastic regional title holder as Miss North Lanarkshire and performed incredibly well during the National Final, so we are confident she will do a fantastic job during her short reign.
We will meet with Zara upon her return to the UK to fully explain our decision and will wish her the very best going forward."
See it here:
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To be clear we have no problem at all with sex-it is perfectly natural.We simply can't condone what happened on national tv</p>— Miss Great Britain ® (@Official_MissGB) <a href="">June 16, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Deone Robertson will take over Zara's duties and responsibilites as Miss Great Britain.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>— Miss Great Britain ® (@Official_MissGB) <a href="">June 17, 2016</a></blockquote>
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“I’ve done nothing wrong. All women have needs,” Zara told The Sun.
"There is nothing wrong with having sex on TV. I knew what I was signing up for – it is Love Island. I am a 20-year-old girl who was in the moment.
“There are lots of girls my age who go out every week and do that, mine was just on national TV."
She’s quoted as saying in the same report, “I haven’t committed a crime so why should I have my title taken from me? It’s horrific.”
Meanwhile in an interview with the Mirror, Deone shared her thoughts about replacing Zara.
"We are supposed to be role models for young girls and represent our chosen charities - [Zara] knew this," Deone told the Mirror. "Everyone is briefed before entering a pageant. It's drummed into your head. There are contracts in place. You can't be be seen naked or topless and you definitely cannot have sex on TV."
She also said that nobody is saying what Zara did was wrong exactly, but that her actions are not appropriate as a title-holder of a competition.
Zara's predicament has raised concerns about double standards when it comes to what is considered acceptable behavior for men and women. There is also a petition online to have Zara reinstated as Miss Great Britain. –