MANILA, Philippines – After the epic "Battle of the Bastards" episode last June 19, Game of Thrones is gearing up to end season 6 with their longest episode yet – a 69-minute show that touches on the storylines of the Starks, King's Landing, and Daenerys.
The 45-second trailer, released on June 20, shows fans a glimpse of Cersei's trial before the Seven and a scene of her twin Jaime at dinner with the Freys.
Over in the North, Jon Snow tells his half-sister Sansa, "We need to trust each other. We have so many enemies now," before kissing her forehead. The two successfully took Winterfell back from Ramsay Bolton in the last episode.
We also get to see the Red Woman being pressured by Lord Davos into telling Jon about Shireen's death and a split-second look at Bran Stark against a snowy background.
"Are you afraid?" Tyrion's voice can be heard over separate scenes of Bran and Daenerys. "Good. You're in the great game now. And the great game is terrifying."
Will you catching the Game of Thrones season finale when it airs? Let us know in the comments! –